Social media trends and strategies are always changing and what resonates one day might suddenly become an ick overnight. And if you’re using social media for business at all, cringe is something that you definitely want to avoid. So, stay up-to-date with the latest social media trends. Here are 5 social media icks according to social media managers that you should ditch in 2024.
Social media content creation takes time…but how much time should you actually be spending on it? From our experience, the average social media post should take anywhere between 30-90 minutes to craft (usually closer to 90 minutes). From doing research, to creating the design, to writing copy…the process can be quite intensive. So why is it taking so long? Here’s the breakdown.
Social media is a very powerful place. We share every aspect of our lives – from our daily routines, to our loved ones, to vacations we take, the homes we live in… the list goes on and on. Through this access, we may begin to fall into the hole of comparing our own lives to the lives of others but the truth is, we are comparing our entire lives to someone else’s highlight reel. So, use your energy productively by narrowing your focus. Here are five ways to stay in your own lane of self LOVE, and out of someone else’s lane of comparison.
Work from home perks: no commute, personal work environment, pet cuddles…Work from home drawbacks: distractions, distractions, distractions…We all know that finding a balance while working from home can be a challenge. Whether you find yourself constantly working or you find yourself distracted by EVERY. LITTLE. THING, here are 8 tips to help increase your productivity when working from home!