Take your marketing efforts to the next level with a customized strategy, cutting-edge content, + measurable results

We understand the importance of creating individual and unique campaigns for each brand we work with. From crafting systematic content strategies, to community engagement, we'll create a tailored plan for you.

This Could Be You... 

  • No more last-minute posting, or adding ‘social media management’ to the job description of your office manager. 

  • Streamlined and proactive communication and ideas from a team of experts, with a combined 25+ years of experience in marketing

  • Receiving weekly content for your review, along with relevant and intentional ideas to take things to the next level 

  • No more last-minute posting, or adding ‘social media management’ to the job description of your office manager. 

  • Streamlined and proactive communication and ideas from a team of experts, with a combined 25+ years of experience in marketing

  • Receiving weekly content for your review, along with relevant and intentional ideas to take things to the next level 

  • Proven sales, or a thoughtful business plan with well-rounded branding

  • The willingness to trust us as the team of experts 

  • A positive attitude about trying new things and stepping outside their comfort zones

  • Patience. Marketing is not an overnight success. 

  • A library of resources and visual assets, or the desire to let our team execute this. 

Our clients have:

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FIRST, We’ll start off with a 90-minute kick-off call. This helps us both learn to understand each other — how we work, how you work and what you really want to be at the root of your strategy.

THEN, SLG will create a master strategy Google Doc. This is what comes before the PDF deck with pretty pictures. It gives us all a chance to collaborate, edit and revise what goes into the strategy. The strategy will not only include IDEAS, but also ACTION ITEMS and ways the strategy can be put into motion. 

AFTER THAT, comes the pretty pictures and fun fonts. We create a custom, branded Strategy deck for you.

THEN, comes the fun stuff. How do we make it happen? We can work for you to put this strategy into action (through the various services listed above), or we can help guide you along the way (think of us as your accountability buddy)… the choice is yours. 

Here's How It Works:

About US


case studies



The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.