About US





The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.

You’ve heard about the benefits of having indoor plants. Adding plants to your workspace improves not only aesthetics but your overall mood and the quality of the air you breathe! If you’re new to the “Plant Mom” club, it can be overwhelming to choose your first child! To make this addition to your workspace stress-free, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 easy-to-care-for indoor plants!

Lifestyle Tips

Top 5 Easy-To-Care-For Indoor Plants for Your Work Space

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays are great for spending extra time with family and friends but the cold days and close quarters can be a recipe for disaster. Treat yourself this holiday season to the top 5 essential oils that will boost your immunity and support your emotional well-being this winter season!

Lifestyle Tips

5 Essential Oils for Winter: Boost Your Immunity and Support Your Emotional Well-Being!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holidays allow us to spend time with loved ones and while this is all good and fun, we know that this time can be stressful as well. So, we are here with our top five tips to make sure you can focus on the GOOD, fulfilling side that this time time of year brings, and leave any stress behind.

Lifestyle Tips

How to Reduce Holiday Stress: Five Steps to Take RIGHT NOW So You Stay Sane Through the Holiday Season

Whether you work from home or in a traditional office space, the environment you surround yourself with is incredibly important for productivity. If you find your attention lacking or happiness dwindling, maybe it’s time to switch things up! Here are our top five tips for designing a workspace that will not only boost productivity, but increase well-being too!

Workspace Tips

5 Ways to Create a Kick-A** Productive Workspace that Also Promotes Wellbeing 

Neck pain from spending so much time on our computers and/or phones is so common, especially in this world where we are constantly plugged in. So, take a few minutes today to establish a routine of stretching your neck with these top 4 stretches for computer neck pain!

Lifestyle Tips, Yoga Tips

Top Stretches for Computer Neck Pain

Pumpkins, chunky sweaters, cool breezes, football… All signs that fall is upon us! Something we often don’t think about however — are essential oils! Did you know there are many scents that are perfect for this time of year?! Let’s dive into these top 5 yummy essential oils for the fall!

Lifestyle Tips, Workspace Tips

Top 5 Essential Oils for Fall: Transition Into The New Season With These Scents!

We’re just going to say it – WE ARE TIRED! Going, going, going can only lead to one place… and that is total exhaustion! For overall health and sustainable energy, adults ages 18-60 should be getting 7 or more hours of sleep PER NIGHT. Are you getting that? Here are FIVE SIGNS that you definitely need to slow down, and get some SLEEP

Lifestyle Tips

5 Signs You Need More Sleep

Practicing mindfulness and wellness at work doesn’t have to be hard–it all falls down to habit. By resetting unconscious habits to healthy ones, you automatically set yourself up for a more energized, mindful, and productive day. Check out these FIVE healthy habits that you can easily integrate into your work day.

Lifestyle Tips, Workspace Tips

Five Tips for Healthy Habits to Practice at Work

You wake up late and sprint to work, only to be faced with a barrage of emails, deadlines and meetings. Does this sound familiar? Well we’ve got news for you. Pausing for even 30 seconds can refresh your entire being – mind AND body. So, step away from your computer and use these quick, simple, EFFECTIVE meditations to reset your brain and head back to work better than ever.

Workspace Tips

3 Meditations to Ease Workday Tension

All day, every day, we give so much. We give our time, attention, energy, resources, our physical bodies, our empathy and compassion… the list goes on. Before you know it, you’re on overdrive, and turning OFF becomes a chore in itself. Taking a moment to rest and recharge seems like a far off dream when our brains are moving a million miles a minute.

So, what do we do?

YOGA to the rescue.

Workspace Tips, Yoga Tips

5 Yoga Poses to Wind Down and Take Time for Yourself

The Silver Linings Group is a strategic digital marketing and social media management agency based out of NYC. We specialize in working with small businesses, brands, and individuals within the wellness, lifestyle, and retail spaces.

We're straight-shooters and hybrid thinkers; creative dreamers and logical analysts. We're health and wellness enthusiasts that walk the walk AND talk the talk. Learn more about who we are.

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