The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.
Social media is a very powerful place. We share every aspect of our lives – from our daily routines, to our loved ones, to vacations we take, the homes we live in… the list goes on and on. You can head to a stranger’s profile at any time and within minutes know intimate details of their life.
Through this access, it’s easy to fall into the hole of comparing your own life to others. We may begin to feel less than because such and such person with 500k followers has the greatest skin, clothes, friends, and lives inside a perpetually sunny day. Why can’t we look like that? Why can’t we have that job, that car, that opportunity?
But the truth is, we are comparing our entire lives to someone else’s highlight reel. And even still, the accomplishments that exist on this highlight reel don’t take away our own chance to have the life we want to live.
Use your energy productively by narrowing your focus. Here are five ways to stay in your own lane of self LOVE, and out of someone else’s lane of comparison.
This is hard. There’s no denying it. But it will probably be the best thing you can do for yourself! This also frees up space in your mind to focus on your own brand and your own work — with less distractions entering your field, you can have a more clear vision of where you want to be.
Some tips to get you started…
Is there an account you always find yourself stalking wistfully, wondering why your life can’t be as glamorous as what they’re sharing? Hit that unfollow button. There is a difference between feeling inspired by other accounts, and feeling envious. YOU control what you see when you open up that app, so use that to your advantage! Choose people and brands that light you up.
What’s your own mission? What does your brand stand for? Find your niche, and hold on tight. If you can become so focused on your own work and making it the absolute best it can be, you’ll find a new confidence that won’t be affected by other people’s content, simply because it doesn’t match what you want to put out.
Instead of spending time on social media comparing yourself or your brand to others, spend that time on your own account, brainstorming how you can give more valuable and relevant content. Give, give and then give some more. Even better — take that time OFF of social media to pour yourself into something that isn’t driven by the approval of others.
This will not only help you keep a sharper focus on social media, but will help elevate your entire life. Comparison, as they say, is the thief of joy, and it can stem from insecurities or our feelings of self-worth. When we come to realize that we are ALL just out there trying to chase our dreams and live our best lives, it makes you see that we are all on a level playing field and are in control of how we approach each day.
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Thanks for this!
Thanks I will implement these steps.