The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.
Are you ready to grow and scale your business in 2022?
Maybe you’ve jotted down a list of SMART business goals for this coming year and are finally ready to take your side hustle to the next level but are still scared to take that first step. You’re not alone. One of the hardest parts about starting and scaling your business is getting into the right mindset.
So to get started, here are three important mindset shifts to help you get in the right headspace to conquer all your dreams.
If I asked you what was getting in the way of you reaching your goals, what would you say?
90% of the time when we ask potential new clients this question, the answer is, “ME. It’s me. I’m getting in my own way.”
But before you go and feel all BAD about that answer, know that fear is a natural response and your way of keeping yourself “safe” and comfortable.
Know that stepping outside of your comfort zone will always feel scary, but the more you do it the more you learn to not see the signs of “fear” as a bad thing. The more you learn to lean into fear and trust yourself, the further your business will go.
Your mind is not your enemy. YOU are not your enemy. You just have to learn how to see natural responses in your body and mind for what they are.
When you find yourself feeling fear as it pertains to your business, ask yourself these questions:
Once you work through those questions a few times, you’ll learn to respond to your fear and to move through it. This allows you to make business decisions and take risks that ultimately serve you and push you to grow.
We all experience negative thoughts. They’re a natural part of life. As an entrepreneur, however, there can be this tendency to ruminate on negative thoughts unnecessarily because the decisions feel risky. If you have this tendency to get stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, practice this one life-changing hack to help you reframe.
Visualize this: You’re standing on the side of the road and cars are passing by. Now imagine, the cars are your thoughts. When the cars pass by, you do not chase them, right?
Now try to do the same thing with your thoughts. Recognize their existence but do not chase them.
Over time, you’ll learn to detach from your thoughts. Instead, you’ll learn to acknowledge them and let them pass by. It’s important that you’re not putting pressure on yourself to turn off your thoughts. Instead, you’re simply becoming aware of them.
The more your practice this visualization, the more you’re able to detach from those cycles of negative thoughts and more clearly make decisions.
As an entrepreneur, you have a lot of tasks to manage. There are only 24 hours in a day and sometimes it feels like there’s just so much to do.
Well, don’t worry. We’ve got it down to a science.
Here are 4 things to do when you feel overwhelmed:
1. The rule of one: work on one task and one device at a time
2. Break down your list: what’s negotiable for the day & what’s not
3. Take brain breaks: every couple of hours, give yourself 15 minutes outside or away from your devices
4. Move your body: 10 minutes of walking around the block > nothing
These four things will help you manage the overwhelm so that you can keep focused, calm, and on track.
The more you practice these three mindset shifts, the more you’ll be able to integrate them naturally. After a few months, they’ll almost come as second nature.
Mindset, however, is only the first step in taking your business to the next level. In order to really create a profitable and sustainable business, you have to move through this five-step methodology: foundation, offer, cultivate, uplevel, and sustainable success.
Our Side Hustler to CEO program is the perfect course for this!
Here’s how it’s broken down:
So, if you’re ready to make enough money with your side hustle to leave a full-time job (if you choose), have a work-life balance and schedule flexibility, and consistently profit from your side hustle, then Side Hustler to CEO is for you. Sign up for the waitlist to be the first to hear when it relaunches again!
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