Yoga Psychology




Yoga Psychology by Ashley Turner, is an advanced yoga teacher institute that offers an innovative training program for teachers and dedicated students fusing yoga, depth psychology, mindfulness and neuroscience.

Our client wanted to leverage social media to build community, curate educational content and serve as a leader within the wellness community.


In 12 months we increased the audience by over 15k. We averaged over 5k monthly profile views and consistently had significantly above average reshares, with our biggest yet in June 2022 with 22k shares!

Keep reading to learn a little more about what our team prioritized to hit these returns...

Value-Driven Educational Content

Creative, Authentic, and  Shareable Content

Curation of authentic, branded, unique, eye-catching creative content that increased shares and saves. Over 22k shares were achieved in June 2022.

Original content created and implemented to offer value and education to a devoted community of yoga teachers, psych professionals, and thought leaders in the wellness field.

All of our social media efforts paired with Yoga Psychology's Commitment to Authenticity and education has resulted in a beautiful partnership.

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The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.