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It’s probably safe to say you’ve had at least a handful of friends or other bloggers rave to you about the benefits of having indoor plants. Adding plants to your workspace improves not only aesthetics but your overall mood and possibly the quality of the air you breathe!
If you’re new to the “Plant Mom” club, it can be overwhelming to choose your child! To make this addition to your workspace stress-free, we’ve compiled a list of the top 5 easy to care for indoor plants!
Cacti tend to be most people’s first experience with caring for indoor plants, and for good reason! They make great plants for work environments as they require little attention. It’s recommended to not water them on a schedule but rather wait until you notice the soil is dry.
The Monstera is another fool-proof plant for beginners and avid plant lovers who may not have a lot of time to dedicate to their plants. It is one of many amazing low light plants that can basically grow anywhere! They can tolerate dry air, low light, and even periods of drought, making them perfect for filling cozy corners.
Similar to the Monstera, the Pothos plant is very easy to care for if you have little time to give them (and not a lot of light!). They are great for offices and are believed to help remove toxins from the air. They can withstand many conditions – including a bit of neglect!
Behold, the perfect beginner plant! Snake Plants do well in brighter light, but can grow in low light offices as well, (just maybe not as quickly)! Like most other indoor plants, Snake plants require minimal watering and are prone to root rot, so it may be recommended to ‘forget’ about them to be sure the soil has dried out before watering.
The Jade plant is known for having a long life span and is usually passed down through families, making it a perfect addition to any workspace that you might want to add a little special touch to. Jade plants prefer warm, dry conditions making them perfect for home offices with high heating.
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