The Silver Linings Group is a small, close-knit team that is hugely dedicated to making a difference for your brand. With a focus on strategic digital marketing, we help our clients reach potential customers through relationship building, providing value, and being authentic to who they are.
All day, every day, we give so much. We give our time, attention, energy, resources, our physical bodies, our empathy and compassion… the list goes on. In a world that demands our attention 24/7 through the endless stream of notifications, it’s easy to get caught up in the motions.
Before you know it, you’re on overdrive, and turning OFF becomes a chore in itself. Taking a moment to rest and recharge seems like a far off dream when our brains are moving a million miles a minute.
So, what do we do?
YOGA to the rescue. Use these five poses to calm the nervous system, slow your heart rate, and quiet the anxious thoughts in your mind. Use these poses as a midday break, or a way to wind down before you head to bed. Even if it feels like you don’t have five minutes… we promise, you do!
Starting on all fours, bring the big toes together and knees apart. Let the hips sink back to the heels, and arms rest by your sides. Connect the point between the eyebrows down onto the mat, and focus on this connection, this pressure as you take 5-10 deep breaths.
Begin seated, and bring the sole of the right foot to your left inner thigh, or below the knee. Square your shoulders over your left leg, take a deep breath to lengthen the crown of the head up, and an exhale to fold over the leg. Push the sole of the right foot into the inner thigh, pull the navel in and up and extend the crown of the head toward the left big toe. Take 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side.
From your seated position, bring the right shin in front of you, so the ankle lines up with your left shoulder, and the knee lines up with your right shoulder. Keep the right foot flexed. Swing the left leg long behind you, making sure the big toe points directly back. Square your hips, and either stay here, or slowly fold forward, keeping the spine long. The right foot can come in towards the hips, but keep right knee lined up outside the shoulder. Take 5-10 deep breaths, and repeat on the other side.
Come to stand, and bring the feet hips-width distance apart (you can measure with two fists between the feet). Keeping a slight bend in the knees, take a deep inhale to lengthen the spine, and an exhale to hinge and the hips and fold forward. Allow the upper body to get heavy — relax the head and neck, and maybe grab opposite elbows. Bend the knees as much as is needed. Take 5-10 deep breaths.
Come to lie on your back, and plant the feet down hips-width distance apart. Bring the heels in close enough to the hips so that you can just graze them with your fingertips. Pull navel to spine, push your low back down beneath you, and on an inhale push into the feet to lift the hips up. Keep arms by your side, and push into the tops of your shoulders so there is no tension in the neck. Take 5-10 deep breaths. Option to use a prop underneath your sacrum to hold the hips up.
Lying on the floor or your bed, bring your hips up against the wall, and lift your legs straight up. Stay and breathe deeply for a minute, or as long as if comfortable.
All of these yoga poses lengthen points in the body that tense up during the day — our hamstrings, hips, low back and chest. They also allow the internal organs to rest, which signals to the brain that it’s okay for the body to rest and relax.
In a time where we are giving so much to other people and things outside of ourselves, it’s so important to balance it out by giving a little to ourselves.
Try these 5 yoga poses to wind down and if you need more, try these five stretches for workday tensions or these three meditations to calm the mind!!
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